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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When I Started Blogging

Blog? What is this? Why there are people who read the posts in it and why they follow the person who made the blog that they thought he has a good site and a nice posts? Why do I have to make it? What is this mean of? Is this really a nice website?

I started blogging when my professor in Advanced English asked us to made a blog as our project for our finals. Me and my classmates shock, because we don't have any idea how to make it and we knew that it is hard to make. First, he told us to search the top 20 blogging sites as an assignment. It is the start of our life in blogging. After searching for the top 20 blogging sites, he continue telling us about blogging and he said how to make a blog. He told us to sign up in blog spot website. That website will be the way to make our own website and blog. 

On making my own blog, I enjoy signing up the following needed information. After signing, I have now my blog. I made my design for my own blog. Then, my professor told us to create an essay that will going to post on our blog. He wanted us to create a narrative essay, descriptive essay, cause and effect, compare and contrast and a poem. He first want to see our essay in cause and effect. He told us that he will going to check our grammar. I made an essay about a broken family. It  is about the being rebellious of children from a broken family.  My second essay is compare and contrast, I wrote about the tears and smile. I compared the tears and smile, I wrote something there that is near to reality.  For my descriptive  essay, I made an essay about my experience on my high school life. I shared my experience in Pangisdaan Festival, a street dance competition held in Navotas City. For my narrative essay, I made this blog. It is about my blogging experience. For the poem, my professor said that its alright if we didn't make a poem. So I didn't made one, I decided to wrote a poem on my free time.  

Now, I already finished my assignments and as I promised I will continue blogging until I get old. I will share my experience and knowledge. Hope you will like my blog. Thank you. !

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