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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tears and Smile

Tears and Smile, we all know that it has a big differences but we don't know what are those things means of. We only knew that tears symbolizes loneliness and smile symbolizes happiness. Yes, it's true because the real point of to smile is to be happy and to cry is to be lonely. That explanation is true but not at all times. Why? because people are good pretender. They pretend on what they feel, they want other people see them in a positive outlook. Sample of this is when they are sad, in front of the other person they pretend to smile to cover up their real emotions.

Smiling, give us good and light feeling. It is a positive emotion of a person that means of feeling well, happy, inspired and usually in loved. People who feels happiness  in the morning feels it until the end of the day. If they happy on this day, they don't want to encounter any negative things that can make their days disaster. Being a happy person or a jolly person was a nice personality or characteristic. They will easily meet new friends and they will love by people around them. Why? because they are jolly person that can make other people laugh because of their skills in joking or making a story that is really fun.
Tears? what is  this? It is the liquid that flows down from our eyes when we cry. Tears always flow when an individual express a strong feelings like over happiness, over loneliness and being surprised. Crying, is a way on how to express your emotion about being sad. After crying, it feels a light feeling to the person who cried because he lessen the  emotion that makes him feels heavy to his heart that also makes him feel unlucky.

Tears and smile apply to all emotions of all individuals. You can smile even when your sad, because it's up to you what you've want to express and see by the others. You can pretend to smile and to cry to hide your feelings. 

Smile loves by all but tears sometimes hate. Why? because smile is positive to everyone but tears is negative for them. If it is apply in the beauty, smile makes you feel blooming but tears can make you have wrinkles. 

Some people say that in all times smiling is the best, yes, its true. They also say that laughter is the best medicine, always smile  and think positive to be lucky and start your day with a smile to have a lucky day.

Others say that crying has a good effect in the health and its true. Because you lessen the emotion in your heart that can cause bad for your health like heart attack.   Not all tears or cry means negative, cause it also express joy. Like tears of joy and being surprised.

If it is apply on love, I can say that you can give your smile to everyone but tears is for only your love. Why? because tears also express hurt that made by your surroundings and by your love ones.
Now, we can say that even they have big differences, they can be useful in all aspect of emotions.

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