They say that when two people get married, they are both happy with each other and and they love' each other. They say that marriage symbolizes of becoming one of two individuals who shares love for each one. In marriage, two people giving their vows for each other. Marriage is Sacred, it was blessed by God so it can't break easily by any reasons.
There are couples that have problems in their relationship. The problems that they thought that can't solve anymore even with used of any solutions will never solve and if they feel that their relationship never gonna work out it might turns into separation. Why they get married and why they have to make ceremony of marriage or wedding if at last they just broke their vows and they just left the words of God hanging on air, the words that blessed them. They just did contrast to the sacrament of marriage.
Separation is their way to solve their problems. They don't know that they only made their problems worst because they just ran away from their problems. They didn't think about their children. Separation is avoided by the church and avoided by God. But it is done by the couple who doesn't have care for the Law of God and church they just care for themselves. Here in the Philippines, the separation for couples called annulment and it takes a long process. In the other country, the separation for couples takes too short to process and they call it divorce.
Couples that decided to be separated, called their marriage a broken marriage. What about their family? it will be called a broken family. Being in a situation of a broken family seems to be lonely. This situation was definitely caused by parents who have no more feelings of love to one another. They always having argument even the reason is not really serious to be argued. Another cause of separation of couples is because of money or financial problems. They put this problems on their mind as a big deal that caused of unstoppable argument. Being busy is the other thing that caused of a broken marriage or broken family. It is because of a busy schedule of one of the couple or both of them. They have no time for the two of them and with their children. Being busy in work is the one thing or can say being workaholic. Sometimes, the busy schedule is only spending for friends. They spending more time for their friends than to their family. Jealous, it is always the reason of separation and the hardest thing or reason is the third party where there is another woman or another man of the couple. Sometimes, this is their reason in applying annulment case in the court.

Broken family, that was it called to the family who didn't carry the problems that can solve if they helped each other. They just ran away and let their problems unsolved. They didn't think about their children, the future of their children. I feel sad for the children who will grow old without a mother or a father and sometimes both. Sometimes, the children are in different person who care for them so they grow old without their siblings. They will never experience the care of their parents and the happiness with their siblings. Now, who's responsible for their children? who will care for them? and who will support them in their studies? Their parents are irresponsible, they didn't think about the future of their children and their feelings. Children will grow old with hurt for their parents. 
After all this happen, children will look for attention from their parents and from the people around him/her. It is because they are still young and need attention. If they feel of unloved, they make bad things. Children sometimes become rebellious, it's because of what happened in their family. Being rebellious starts from their feelings until they find friends who have bad influence, friends who do bad things. They teach the unlucky child to drink alcohol, to smoke, gambling, and take drugs until they become drug addicts. Those are the possible things that a child can do just to catch attention of their parents and to revenge.
Separation is their way to solve their problems. They don't know that they only made their problems worst because they just ran away from their problems. They didn't think about their children. Separation is avoided by the church and avoided by God. But it is done by the couple who doesn't have care for the Law of God and church they just care for themselves. Here in the Philippines, the separation for couples called annulment and it takes a long process. In the other country, the separation for couples takes too short to process and they call it divorce.
Couples that decided to be separated, called their marriage a broken marriage. What about their family? it will be called a broken family. Being in a situation of a broken family seems to be lonely. This situation was definitely caused by parents who have no more feelings of love to one another. They always having argument even the reason is not really serious to be argued. Another cause of separation of couples is because of money or financial problems. They put this problems on their mind as a big deal that caused of unstoppable argument. Being busy is the other thing that caused of a broken marriage or broken family. It is because of a busy schedule of one of the couple or both of them. They have no time for the two of them and with their children. Being busy in work is the one thing or can say being workaholic. Sometimes, the busy schedule is only spending for friends. They spending more time for their friends than to their family. Jealous, it is always the reason of separation and the hardest thing or reason is the third party where there is another woman or another man of the couple. Sometimes, this is their reason in applying annulment case in the court.

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