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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
When I Started Blogging
Blog? What is this? Why there are people who read the posts in it and why they follow the person who made the blog that they thought he has a good site and a nice posts? Why do I have to make it? What is this mean of? Is this really a nice website?
I started blogging when my professor in Advanced English asked us to made a blog as our project for our finals. Me and my classmates shock, because we don't have any idea how to make it and we knew that it is hard to make. First, he told us to search the top 20 blogging sites as an assignment. It is the start of our life in blogging. After searching for the top 20 blogging sites, he continue telling us about blogging and he said how to make a blog. He told us to sign up in blog spot website. That website will be the way to make our own website and blog.
On making my own blog, I enjoy signing up the following needed information. After signing, I have now my blog. I made my design for my own blog. Then, my professor told us to create an essay that will going to post on our blog. He wanted us to create a narrative essay, descriptive essay, cause and effect, compare and contrast and a poem. He first want to see our essay in cause and effect. He told us that he will going to check our grammar. I made an essay about a broken family. It is about the being rebellious of children from a broken family. My second essay is compare and contrast, I wrote about the tears and smile. I compared the tears and smile, I wrote something there that is near to reality. For my descriptive essay, I made an essay about my experience on my high school life. I shared my experience in Pangisdaan Festival, a street dance competition held in Navotas City. For my narrative essay, I made this blog. It is about my blogging experience. For the poem, my professor said that its alright if we didn't make a poem. So I didn't made one, I decided to wrote a poem on my free time.
Now, I already finished my assignments and as I promised I will continue blogging until I get old. I will share my experience and knowledge. Hope you will like my blog. Thank you. !
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pangisdaan Festival
When I was in third year high school, I joined in Navotas City Pangisdaan Festival Street Dance Competition. This competition is yearly, it is for the founding anniversary of Navotas City. This street dance competition was joined by different high schools in Navotas City including Navotas Polytechnic College. Each schools has a representative or dancers. Each schools or group has a more than of thirty dancers. All schools that joined are hoping to win and be the champion for that year. Our school, Navotas National High School always won on that competition. Other schools wanted to defeat us.
Pangisdaan Festival Street dance Competition is for all the Navoteños. This street dance tells about the community in Navotas City. We all know that Navotas City is the Fishing Capital Of The Philippines. The moves and the way they danced in this competition tells how Navoteños lived and how the Navoteños work on the fishing capital of the Philippines. This street dance competition was truly wonderful. By watching this street dance, you can easily know the community in Navotas City.
On the time I joined on that competition, I had experienced so many challenges to be a dancer of Navotas High School. First, we had an audition for the street dance dancers. I came late that day. I'm shy, I don't know what to do, I can't go inside alone. I'm wandering if my friends are inside. Am I the only one who will come late? I really don't know what to do at that time. Outside the room, I thought of something that I should do, I walked and I jumped to lessen the fear I had that time. But then, I decided to go back home but I saw my friends coming, they are also late on our audition. Same as what I felt, they are also shy and afraid to go inside. We have a fear on our choreographer cause we knew that he is very strict. We decided to wait outside and then finally, they had finished their topic inside. We asked a student of what did they do inside, she said that they had a meeting about the competition. Then after a break, our choreographer ask for a meeting again. He says again what he said on their early meeting, it is for the new comers who didn't attend the early meeting. Our choreographer only says about him, that he is strict and he tells how he train, all of the dancers scared at him. After the meeting, we had a break again for a few minutes to prepare for the audition. There are many student who wants to join and their to be in audition. We are shy to dance, because of so many eyes that watching. The audition starts, the audition has part or round it is to know who is more deserving to be a dancer. Every round, students that are not really good in dancing are gone or out and some are go home because they felt unwell. I survived the audition and I'd been a part of the group.
On our practice day, I encounter all the hard challenges. The trainer angry at us. The hard steps , The stress and many more . I feel sick everyday but i don't mind it. I always attending are practice even i have fear on our trainer. On the last day of our rehearsal, We haven't sleep, we rehearsed from seven in the morning 'till eleven midnight and back again to rehearsed at 3:00 am. We don't have sleep yet until the competition starts at 6:00 am. We are all tired and sleepy but we are all excited. It was a sunny morning. I feel like I'm burning. We are the last group that will going to dance.
When the time they call our number, I felt all the emotions. There are many people watching us. After our number, the Mayor made his speech and he said that he increased the amount of the winning prize. We are all wanted and hoping to win. We won again as the champion for that year. We celebrate and all happy. After that competition, we also dance in the other part of Metro Manila as a guest.
I will never forget this experience. I love to be a Navoteña.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tears and Smile
Tears and Smile, we all know that it has a big differences but we don't know what are those things means of. We only knew that tears symbolizes loneliness and smile symbolizes happiness. Yes, it's true because the real point of to smile is to be happy and to cry is to be lonely. That explanation is true but not at all times. Why? because people are good pretender. They pretend on what they feel, they want other people see them in a positive outlook. Sample of this is when they are sad, in front of the other person they pretend to smile to cover up their real emotions.
Smiling, give us good and light feeling. It is a positive emotion of a person that means of feeling well, happy, inspired and usually in loved. People who feels happiness in the morning feels it until the end of the day. If they happy on this day, they don't want to encounter any negative things that can make their days disaster. Being a happy person or a jolly person was a nice personality or characteristic. They will easily meet new friends and they will love by people around them. Why? because they are jolly person that can make other people laugh because of their skills in joking or making a story that is really fun.
Tears? what is this? It is the liquid that flows down from our eyes when we cry. Tears always flow when an individual express a strong feelings like over happiness, over loneliness and being surprised. Crying, is a way on how to express your emotion about being sad. After crying, it feels a light feeling to the person who cried because he lessen the emotion that makes him feels heavy to his heart that also makes him feel unlucky.
Tears and smile apply to all emotions of all individuals. You can smile even when your sad, because it's up to you what you've want to express and see by the others. You can pretend to smile and to cry to hide your feelings.
Smile loves by all but tears sometimes hate. Why? because smile is positive to everyone but tears is negative for them. If it is apply in the beauty, smile makes you feel blooming but tears can make you have wrinkles.
Some people say that in all times smiling is the best, yes, its true. They also say that laughter is the best medicine, always smile and think positive to be lucky and start your day with a smile to have a lucky day.
Others say that crying has a good effect in the health and its true. Because you lessen the emotion in your heart that can cause bad for your health like heart attack. Not all tears or cry means negative, cause it also express joy. Like tears of joy and being surprised.
If it is apply on love, I can say that you can give your smile to everyone but tears is for only your love. Why? because tears also express hurt that made by your surroundings and by your love ones.
Now, we can say that even they have big differences, they can be useful in all aspect of emotions.
Tears? what is this? It is the liquid that flows down from our eyes when we cry. Tears always flow when an individual express a strong feelings like over happiness, over loneliness and being surprised. Crying, is a way on how to express your emotion about being sad. After crying, it feels a light feeling to the person who cried because he lessen the emotion that makes him feels heavy to his heart that also makes him feel unlucky.
Tears and smile apply to all emotions of all individuals. You can smile even when your sad, because it's up to you what you've want to express and see by the others. You can pretend to smile and to cry to hide your feelings.
Smile loves by all but tears sometimes hate. Why? because smile is positive to everyone but tears is negative for them. If it is apply in the beauty, smile makes you feel blooming but tears can make you have wrinkles.
Some people say that in all times smiling is the best, yes, its true. They also say that laughter is the best medicine, always smile and think positive to be lucky and start your day with a smile to have a lucky day.
Others say that crying has a good effect in the health and its true. Because you lessen the emotion in your heart that can cause bad for your health like heart attack. Not all tears or cry means negative, cause it also express joy. Like tears of joy and being surprised.
If it is apply on love, I can say that you can give your smile to everyone but tears is for only your love. Why? because tears also express hurt that made by your surroundings and by your love ones.
Now, we can say that even they have big differences, they can be useful in all aspect of emotions.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Broken Family: "Cause Of Rebellious Children"
They say that when two people get married, they are both happy with each other and and they love' each other. They say that marriage symbolizes of becoming one of two individuals who shares love for each one. In marriage, two people giving their vows for each other. Marriage is Sacred, it was blessed by God so it can't break easily by any reasons.
There are couples that have problems in their relationship. The problems that they thought that can't solve anymore even with used of any solutions will never solve and if they feel that their relationship never gonna work out it might turns into separation. Why they get married and why they have to make ceremony of marriage or wedding if at last they just broke their vows and they just left the words of God hanging on air, the words that blessed them. They just did contrast to the sacrament of marriage.
Separation is their way to solve their problems. They don't know that they only made their problems worst because they just ran away from their problems. They didn't think about their children. Separation is avoided by the church and avoided by God. But it is done by the couple who doesn't have care for the Law of God and church they just care for themselves. Here in the Philippines, the separation for couples called annulment and it takes a long process. In the other country, the separation for couples takes too short to process and they call it divorce.
Couples that decided to be separated, called their marriage a broken marriage. What about their family? it will be called a broken family. Being in a situation of a broken family seems to be lonely. This situation was definitely caused by parents who have no more feelings of love to one another. They always having argument even the reason is not really serious to be argued. Another cause of separation of couples is because of money or financial problems. They put this problems on their mind as a big deal that caused of unstoppable argument. Being busy is the other thing that caused of a broken marriage or broken family. It is because of a busy schedule of one of the couple or both of them. They have no time for the two of them and with their children. Being busy in work is the one thing or can say being workaholic. Sometimes, the busy schedule is only spending for friends. They spending more time for their friends than to their family. Jealous, it is always the reason of separation and the hardest thing or reason is the third party where there is another woman or another man of the couple. Sometimes, this is their reason in applying annulment case in the court.

Broken family, that was it called to the family who didn't carry the problems that can solve if they helped each other. They just ran away and let their problems unsolved. They didn't think about their children, the future of their children. I feel sad for the children who will grow old without a mother or a father and sometimes both. Sometimes, the children are in different person who care for them so they grow old without their siblings. They will never experience the care of their parents and the happiness with their siblings. Now, who's responsible for their children? who will care for them? and who will support them in their studies? Their parents are irresponsible, they didn't think about the future of their children and their feelings. Children will grow old with hurt for their parents. 
After all this happen, children will look for attention from their parents and from the people around him/her. It is because they are still young and need attention. If they feel of unloved, they make bad things. Children sometimes become rebellious, it's because of what happened in their family. Being rebellious starts from their feelings until they find friends who have bad influence, friends who do bad things. They teach the unlucky child to drink alcohol, to smoke, gambling, and take drugs until they become drug addicts. Those are the possible things that a child can do just to catch attention of their parents and to revenge.
Separation is their way to solve their problems. They don't know that they only made their problems worst because they just ran away from their problems. They didn't think about their children. Separation is avoided by the church and avoided by God. But it is done by the couple who doesn't have care for the Law of God and church they just care for themselves. Here in the Philippines, the separation for couples called annulment and it takes a long process. In the other country, the separation for couples takes too short to process and they call it divorce.
Couples that decided to be separated, called their marriage a broken marriage. What about their family? it will be called a broken family. Being in a situation of a broken family seems to be lonely. This situation was definitely caused by parents who have no more feelings of love to one another. They always having argument even the reason is not really serious to be argued. Another cause of separation of couples is because of money or financial problems. They put this problems on their mind as a big deal that caused of unstoppable argument. Being busy is the other thing that caused of a broken marriage or broken family. It is because of a busy schedule of one of the couple or both of them. They have no time for the two of them and with their children. Being busy in work is the one thing or can say being workaholic. Sometimes, the busy schedule is only spending for friends. They spending more time for their friends than to their family. Jealous, it is always the reason of separation and the hardest thing or reason is the third party where there is another woman or another man of the couple. Sometimes, this is their reason in applying annulment case in the court.

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